If your student loan payments are too high compared to your income, you might be able to switch to a different repayment plan. Applying is free.
Learn about FFEL Program loans and how our relief programs affect you if you have one.
An Office of the U.S. Department of Education
Learn about FFEL Program loans and how our relief programs affect you if you have one.
Track your federal student aid during college or career school with these four tools. Stay in the know and make informed financial choices.
Learn five manageable ways to pay off your student loans faster and save money.
Prepare yourself for college or career school with this helpful info about financial aid, budgeting, time management, and more.
Learn how marriage affects your income-driven student loan payments and discover repayment options.
With more than 5,600 colleges and career schools participating in federal student aid, it can be difficult to decide which school is right for you. That’s why the U.S. Department of Education developed College Scorecard to answer your questions about costs, graduation, debt, and lifetime earnings.